The type and pattern of traditional batik is various kind. But the variation of pattern is according to each culture and philosophy which is many kind. The variety culture in Indonesia has supported the born of kind batik in tradisioanal type and pattern there has own specialty and characteristic.
Growth of Batik in Indonesia
The history of Batik in Indonesia was related to Majapahit Kingdom and after. Batik has develoved in the empire of Mataram, and the kingdom of Solo and Yogyakarta.Artistry of batik represent artistry of picture above cloth for clothes becoming one of the culture of Indonesia epoch king family first. In the beginning batik was done in limited just in palace and the result is for the king's clothes and family and also its follower. Because of many follower of king which's kept out palace. So, the art of batik was brought by them gone out palace and done in their place.
Soon and later, in development of batik was imitated by closest people and spread out to be worked by of woman in it's household to fill spare time. Hereinafter, batik which is the beginning to be the families king clothes, later become the clothes for common people, women and men are wear of it. White materials which was used at that time was resulted of homespun. While the colour of materials are used the original flora made by our selt for Indonesia, example : tree of mengkudu, tinggi, soga, nila and it's soda materials is made from dusty soda, and also it's salt is made from mud. |
So, Indonesian's batik has been recognized since Majapahit kingdom and development fill next empire. For the strarting to spread up the batik art to common people and specially Java's tribe is after the end of century or early century of XIX. The last product of batik was batik drawn (batik tulis) until the XX century, the stamp's batik (batik cap) has begun familiar after the first word war or about a year 1920. Nowadays, batik have become part traditional Indonesian textile.
Batik of Pekalongan
Though there was not official record note when batik begun to be recognized in Pekalongan, but for the estimation batik in Pekalongan about year 1800. Hereinafter the industrial and commerce department not was that batik pattern was exist in 1802, like small tree pattern in the form of clothes materials.But the important development was estimated to happene after a big war in year 1825-1830 in empire of Mataram which is often referred to the war of Diponegoro or war of Java. By breaking this war pushed on palace family and also all it's follower to leave their kingdom. Then they spread out to eastern and western part. Then in the new area, all family and his follower developed batik.
To eastern, Solo and Yogyakarta batik completed batik pattern which has been in Mojokerto and also Tulungagung till spreading out to Gresik, Surabaya and Madura. While in the west, batik expanded in Banyumas, Kebumen, Tegal, Cirebon and Pekalongan. By this, Pekalongan's batik which has existed to expand.
Nowdays, Batik of Pekalongan grown faster than other area. In this area batik spread out coastal area, that was in Pekalongan town area, Buaran, Pekajangan and also Wonopringgo.
The meet of society of Pekalongan with various nation like Chinese, Dutch, Arab, India, Malaysia and Japan at past epoch have coloured dynamics at motif and arrange artistic colour of batik. Referring to that kind of batik design type resulted of influence from various the state which is later known as the identity of Pekalongan's batik. That motif, batik of Jlamprang, inspired from Country India and Arab. Last of batik of Encim and Klengenan, influenced by is halfblooded of Chinese. Batik of Dutch, batik of pagi sore, and batik of Hokokai, grew fast since occupying of Japan. |
Batik of Pekalongan become very typical because fully supported to hundreds of small entrepreneur not to a litle entrepreneur which have big capital. Since tens past year until now, most of the process of Pekalongan's batik produced in houses. As a result, batik of Pekalongan one sliverring with life of society of Pekalongan which nowadays divided in two administrative territory, namely Municipality of Pekalongan and sub-province of Pekalongan.
Ebb growth of batik of Pekalongan, describing that Pekalongan is deserve to become icon to growth of batik in Indonesia. Icon to the art which have never given up with growth of epoch and dynamic always. Nowadays batik has become breath of life daily of Pekalongan and represented one of the pre-eminent product. That thing is caused to the hurge of industry batik product. For the famous with it's batik product, Pekalongan is famous for BATIK TOWN. That epithet come from an sufficient tradition taking root in Pekalongan. During long period, the various character, usefulness of manner, device type, and also quality of batik determined by climate and existence of local fibres, histories factor, commerce and readiness of it's society in accepting understanding and new idea.
Batik is representing cultural art which admired by world, among kinds tradition which yielded with technology dye to hamper, none could show beautiful as and as smooth as batik of Pekalongan.
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